Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Want To Party Too!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

My Name is Jenny. You can see most of my general info in my very first blog. I haven't been blogging for very long so I am pretty new to this.
I am married with three kids 12(M),11(C),&8(P).2 girls and 1 boy. I work at a rural elementary school in East Tennessee. I tend to blog about my daily life, kids life and just generally every day things.
I love to watch all the ghost hunting shows. I don't have that many hobbies. I like to read and camp. M plays travel bball so I sit in gyms quite often on the weekend.
I started blogging cause my husband is NOT a good listener, and I want to talk,talk,talk. Most of the time I talk about stupid stuff, but thats ok cause you are listening aren't you??

Follow me here and on twitter cause I love to tweet too!!


  1. Great post! Just sit back and watch the comments come in! :D

  2. Stopping by from the UBP, I just started my blog too!!

  3. We've spent some time in Pigeon Forge, TN and are going back there this year. We love those Smoky Mountains!!

    Hop on by if you've got the time!

    I'm giving away prize USC#37 on 5M4M prize page but I have a few others on my blogs too.

    $150 spa gift card from
    Another $50 gift card
    $150 gift card to CDN shop Canadian Tire

    Enjoy the party!

  4. Hi Jenny! Visiting you from UBP10. ALways a pleasure to meet new bloggy friends :)

  5. Nice to have you at the UBP10 party. Stop by if you get a chance And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at and Prepare To Be Pampered.

  6. Hi. Hope you are enjoying all of the great blogs out there! No thanks on the ghost stuff. Lol...I hate/am deathly afraid of being "scared". husband loves to scare not cool. Enjoy the rest of the week and take care!

  7. Hi, Stopping by from the UBP! Feel free to pop over to my blog, Parenging in Blue Jeans. It's the last day of my datenight giveaway. Feel free to add your name to the hat!

  8. Stopping by from UBP! I grew up in Tennessee-- Chattanooga to be exact! I'm a newer blogger as well (October 09). Look forward to reading more from you. I'll find you on Twitter too!

    Mel (@adventuroo)

  9. Stopping by from UBP. Happy to meet you.
